Extra Commands

Sunday, February 19, 2023

9:47 PM

Collapse Pages

Collapses the page hierarchy, hiding any sub-pages under their parent pages.


Insert Pronunciation

Inserts the "ruby text" pronunciation of selected words. This uses an online service that supports over a dozen languages. Currently, this only works for English.



Sorts pages, sections, or notebooks. Pages are sorted within the current section only, not recursively throughout the notebook. Sections are sorted throughout the current notebook recursively.



Start Timer

Default shortcut is Alt + F2

Starts and opens a visual timer. This small window will first appear in the upper right corner of the display and immediately starts counting seconds, minutes, and hours. There are three controls on the window: copy the current value to the clipboard, restart the timer from zero, and close the timer. The window can be moved but is limited to the current desktop window.



The current value shown in the timer window can easily be inserted into the body of the open page by using the Insert Timer command. Key sequences include:


Open timer window

Alt + F2

Insert timer value


Restart timer

Shift + F2

Close timer window

Ctrl + Shift + F2


Insert Timer Value

Default shortcut is F2

Inserts the current value shown in the timer window. The timer window must be started using the Start Timer command.


Show XML

Default shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X

Developing OneMore meant reverse-engineering the way Microsoft built OneNote. And it's XML schema reference documentation was only half the picture. This editor became invaluable while trying to decipher the behavior and how OneNote manages its page content.



Directly changing the XML of a page may result in data loss. Only update temporary testing pages.




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